I'm a Ph.D. Student from Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen and advised by Prof. Baotian Hu. I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, and a Master of Engineering degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen. Long-term cooperation with Dr. Lin Ma, Meituan, Beijing; Prof. Wenhan Luo, HKUST; Dr. Longyue Wang, Alibaba, Group; Yuxiang Wu , University College London.
Research Internship: ByteDance Doubao (Seed) Team
Past Research Interns:
The long-term goal of my research is to help humans with more capable artificial intelligence. Dream of building an intelligent metaverse and interesting research directions including:
I am actively seeking cooperators who share my interest in applying LLMs to Mathematics, Complex Logical Problems, and Multimodal Scenarios, with the goal of exploring these areas together.
Conference Reviewer: ACL ARR (2023-), ACM MM (2023-), ICLR (2023-), NeurIPS (2024-), and IJCAI (2023-).
Journal Reviewer: IEEE TMM, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TAI, and Neural Networks.